May 14, 2011

Aug '07. SCD Attempt 3: Eureka! Hallelujah! Hail Mary! And Hari Krishna!

... continued from

I wanted to give SCD a shot just one more time. I needed it to work so I could get off evil prednisone. With my doctor’s hesitant blessing, I restarted the diet and told her “Doc (yes I speak to my doctor like we are in the Wild West) give me three months more and if there is no improvement, I will do whatever you want.” Eventually, there were three factors that contributed to success (yay!).

1. I joined a SCD listserve where I found a community who actually knew what I was going through. This support was invaluable. The best advice I received led me to the stages chart which made a big difference.

2. Trial and error. Once I cut out dairy (and incidentally, carrots), I started seeing improvements within one month. I took probiotics, and started making almond milk yogurt recently. A food and symptoms journal made it easier to track patterns.

3. Multi-pronged attack

epic ninja attack  
Acupuncture, diet, and my maintenance meds ended up being what I needed.

It took me a month to see improvement and a year to achieve full, never experienced before sustained lovely ‘remission’ (for most people, that’s called ‘living’) and with it, a new lease on life with SCD.

That one year was a bumpy road, but it was a road that was going uphill for the first time in 8 years. My average level of good health rose and I experienced more good days than sucky ones.  When I say I reached full remission after one year, I mean 100% normal, not periods of 90% or 80% or even 70% good health that my doctor alluded to as remission. 
